Understanding Roles and Responsibilities
fundraising, planningjanetlevineconsultingboards, cultivation, development, development directors, Goal-setting, leadership, operations, restricted, streams of revenue, unrestricted, vision
What's In A Name?
fundraising, nonprofitsjanetlevineconsultingAsk, board members, boards, cultivation, development, limited liability partnership, name, negativity, raise money, sole proprietorship
Fundraising--Just Do It
fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingAsk, best techniques, clarity, consistency, development, effective, implementation, planning, reality check, techniques
Nurture Donors, Don't Chase Dollars
fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingannual giving, capacity, cultivation, donor centered, donors, effectiveness, major gifts, support, sustaining gifts, thoughtful giving
Who can give?
Encouraging Excellence
Getting the Take-Away You Want
Getting It Done!
The Reason Why
Dare To Be Different--Plan!
Making It Count
Giving Online
Making a Move
Turning Prospects Into Donors
Connecting the Dots
At A Distance
Activity Breeds Support
Boards and Giving
What's In It For Them?