The Language of Fundraising
What You Need for Successful Fundraising
Fundraising For Whose Good?
That Time Again
Rethinking the End of the Year Appeal
Planned Getting
Don't Be a Cannibal
Join With Me
Write It Down
Opportunity Costs
An Open Letter to Ira Glass
Paying Attention
Clarity and Consistency
That End of the Year Appeal
Do it NOW
Understanding Roles and Responsibilities
fundraising, planningjanetlevineconsultingboards, cultivation, development, development directors, Goal-setting, leadership, operations, restricted, streams of revenue, unrestricted, vision
What's In A Name?
fundraising, nonprofitsjanetlevineconsultingAsk, board members, boards, cultivation, development, limited liability partnership, name, negativity, raise money, sole proprietorship
Fundraising--Just Do It
fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingAsk, best techniques, clarity, consistency, development, effective, implementation, planning, reality check, techniques
Nurture Donors, Don't Chase Dollars
fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingannual giving, capacity, cultivation, donor centered, donors, effectiveness, major gifts, support, sustaining gifts, thoughtful giving
Who can give?