Getting It Done!
The Reason Why
Dare To Be Different--Plan!
Making It Count
Giving Online
Making a Move
Turning Prospects Into Donors
Connecting the Dots
At A Distance
Activity Breeds Support
What's In It For Them?
As If By Magic
Getting Donors/Keeping Donors
fundraising, stewardshipjanetlevineconsultingAsk, average gift size, boards, cultivation, development, donor attrition, donor retention, donors, effectiveness, thank you
Get Out of My Way
Time to Refresh
Not Just Grants
Type A No Longer
The Board and Fundraising
How Can The Board Start A Fundraising Program?
fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingAsk, board fundraising, board members, boards, consistency, cultivation, development, donor database, donors, relationships
Story Telling That Works