This One Is For You development, nonprofitsJanet LevineSeptember 25, 2019fundraising, making a difference
Trying to Get Back Into It organizational cultureJanet LevineAugust 21, 2019fundraising, goals, culture of philanthropy
Think Big, But (Sometimes) Act Small fundraising, planningjanetlevineconsultingJanuary 14, 2019assessment, development plan
Move Your Fundraising From Mired to Inspired fundraising, productivityjanetlevineconsultingJanuary 8, 2019
Help Your Donors! fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingDecember 31, 2018end of year giving, reaching out, stewardship
Getting Closer to Your Prospects and Donors fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingDecember 10, 2018face-to-face, getting more gifts, relational fundraising
Giving Tuesday fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingDecember 4, 2018challenge gifts, end of year fundraising, matching gifts
End of the Year Fundraising end of the year campaign, fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingNovember 13, 2018end of year appeal, engaging donors, stewardship
Inspiring, Fundraising Words fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingNovember 6, 2018inspiring words, new words, relationships
Fund Raising--What's It All About? cultivation, fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingOctober 30, 2018Ask, money
Should Boards Have Give and/or Get Policies? boardsjanetlevineconsultingOctober 16, 2018board membership, give and get-, major donors
Gaining Donors Trust business practices, communicationjanetlevineconsultingOctober 2, 2018donors, trust, win-win
Making the Mundane New business practicesjanetlevineconsultingSeptember 25, 2018Challenge, new perspectives
Chasing Your Tail fundraisingjanetlevineconsultingSeptember 11, 2018fiscal sense, fundraising needs, sustainability