Leadership--Or Lack Thereof

I don’t know about you, but I’ve moved from despair to anger.  I’m angry about a lot of things, but mostly the lack of leadership in this country.  This vacuum has made a bad situation (the coronavirus) worse, and a hideous one (ongoing racism) even more deadly.  

It’s lovely that so many organizations are sending out messages to show their support for Black Lives Matter (and they do) and talk about how silence is not acceptable.  But where were they 3 months ago?  And where will they be three months from now?  Questions I am asking myself.

 Another question I ask is how long can you remain a living room warrior and think that because you say a thing out loud, mainly to those who agree with you, that you are actually doing something?  Which circles back to the question I am constantly asking:  What, really, can I do?

For starters, of course, Vote.  In every election.  And spend some time researching who best deserves your vote.  Years ago, I became what they used to call and absentee voter, so I would never miss an election and could sit with my ballot and find who these people who were running stood for.

Support the candidates you think make a difference.  I don’t live in Kentucky but believe that I am supporting Amy McGrath because Mitch McConnell has to go.  

And support nonprofits who are doing important work.  Check them out, yes.  But don’t judge them on what percentage of their charitable income goes to programs.  That is just dumb.  Learn how they change lives, impact communities, make a difference.  In other words, don’t just give money (but do give money), but also give them your attention.  And then tell others about the amazing work these organizations do.

leadershipJanet Levine